Principal Message

Mrs. Shalini Agarwal


A close relationship between the school and home will greatly benefit your ward. The school diary is a connecting link between you and the school.

Please check your child ‘s school diary daily.

This will keep you informed about your child ‘s progress and the school activities. Parents teacher’s meeting is the way to have interaction with school for the progress of your ward so it is the compulsory for each parent to attend P.T.M PTM will be held on every Saturday of the month. Classes attendance will be taken by class teacher before assembly bell, so students should be present in their respective classes before the assembly bell.

Metting The Principal

Parents can meet with the principal only in any genuine complaint of suggestion. They can meet principal on all parents teacher’s Meeting between 8:am to 11:30 am. Parents can enter their complaints , in the complain register resist at school gate, If necessary then they can called by principal in the school for meeting.

In emergency case only : 9:am-9:30 am


PLAY WAY 9:am to 12:00 noon 9:30 am to 12:30pm
NUR , ONWARDS 7:40 am to 1:30 pm 8:40 am to 2:20 pm